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July 23, 2023 · CGJA News [Alameda County] Grand Jury Censures County For Inaction on Santa Rita Jail

The Independent ran an article by Larry Altman on July 12, 2023: The  “Grand Jury recommended the Board of Supervisors establish the completion of a Mental Health Program Service Unit (MHPSU) at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin as a top priority by all means to avoid further escalation of costs in monies and lives.” Read […]

  • Civil Grand Jury News
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July 23, 2023
July 22, 2023 · CGJA News Mendocino County Grand Jury issues report on Human Resources: ‘Accountability at the County’

Karen Rifkin wrote an article in The Ukiah Daily Journal on July 10, 2023 – “Over the past 25 years, Mendocino County has had a staggering total of 19 people leading the Human Resources Department with an average tenure of 1.2 years. Currently, there is no permanent HR Director as the position has been defunded”.  […]

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July 22, 2023
July 19, 2023 · CGJA News Marin [County] grand jury: Water utilities should fortify dam safety plans

The Marin Independent Journal published an article by Will Houston on July 11, 2023 noting that “Marin County’s dam safety plans are failing to account for more frequent, intense storms brought on by climate change….The agencies’ dam hazard plans do not incorporate the latest science on climate change effects on “atmospheric river” storms.” Read the […]

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July 19, 2023
July 13, 2023 · CGJA News Grand Jury: Sheriff’s Office not managing jail costs, assets [Solano County]

Daily Republic’s Staff reported recently on a Solano County Grand Jury Report. “The 2022-23 Solano County civil grand jury issued a critical report on how the Sheriff’s Office is managing costs and assets at the local jails…While it might be expected that a dramatic reduction in the number of detainees would result in a similar […]

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July 13, 2023
July 9, 2023 · CGJA News ‘An endless loop of failure’: Sacramento County grand jury criticizes homeless response

ABC10 news ran a news segment on July 7, 2023 in which they summarized that “The grand jury reports say homelessness in Sacramento County has increased more than 250% since 2018 due in part to too many oversight boards.” See the full story here:

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July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023 · CGJA News Report: Low staffing, training impacts child abuse investigations [in Humboldt County]

The Times Standard ran an article by Sage Alexander on July 6, 2023 reporting that “A Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury report released Wednesday calls for more staffing and training for those who respond to instances of child abuse. The report examined the Humboldt County Child Abuse Services Team or CAST.” Read the full story […]

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July 9, 2023
July 9, 2023 · CGJA News Marin [County] grand jury urges SMART to bolster public support for sales tax renewal

The Marin Independent Journal ran an article by Will Houston on July 6, 2023 which indicated that “SMART is running out of time to convince Marin and Sonoma voters to support renewing a critical sales tax to prevent the North Bay passenger rail service from financial collapse, according to a new grand jury report.” Read […]

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July 9, 2023
July 4, 2023 · CGJA News Shasta County Grand Jury’s Final Report Includes Coroner, Foster Kids, Clear Creek, Enterprise Park

Reporting for on July 2, George Winship described the grand jury’s five investigations: City of Redding work crews discarding and storing debris in Enterprise Park; follow-up look at the Shasta County Coroner’s facilities, staff morale, and work practices; Clear Creek Community Services District accounting problems, and alleged lack of board oversight, improper management practices, […]

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July 4, 2023
July 3, 2023 · CGJA News Marin [County] grand jury calls for better coordination of crisis services

The Marin Independent Journal ran an article by Richard Halstead, in response to a recently released Marin County Grand Jury report. June 27, 2023 – “Marin County should make it easier for residents with urgent behavioral health needs to receive immediate help, according to a new civil grand jury report….The grand jury is recommending that […]

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July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023 · CGJA News Marin [county] grand jury calls for more accessory dwelling units

“Accessory dwelling units could help Marin County meet state mandates for creating new housing and officials should do more to promote their creation, a new civil grand jury report concludes. The grand jury notes that the state is requiring the county and its municipalities to allow 14,210 new dwellings by 2031,” states an article in […]

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July 3, 2023

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