
CGJA’s committees do a bulk of the work of the Association. Our current standing committees and their chairs are listed here, along with a thumbnail description of their primary duties. For more information about each committee click on the committee’s name. Contact Information is provided for the convenience of those interested in communicating with us about grand jury and/or CGJA matters. Click on the committee chair’s name to send email. Please respect the privacy of those listed and do not use this contact information for any other purpose, including solicitations or communications on subjects other than grand juries or CGJA. And please consider joining one of our committees (see Committee Volunteer Opportunities and Volunteer Interest Form here) and help us support the California civil grand jury system.

Committee and ChairResponsibilities
Annual Conference
Lloyd Bell
Supervises the planning of the Annual Conference; suggests policy, and establishes procedures to plan, coordinate and host the conference.
Joann Landi
Oversee all awards, including the Angelo Rolando Service Award, Excellence in Reporting, Local Achievement, and Certificates of Special Recognition.
Bylaws and Policies Review
Larry Herbst
Reviews proposed amendments to CGJA Bylaws and Policies or committee procedures and periodically conducts Bylaw and Policy updates.
Dan Freeman
Oversees the financial management of the Association.
Legal & Legislative Resources
Karen Jahr
Provides answers to questions regarding grand jury law process, powers and jurisdiction; monitors legislative activity regarding issues that affect the grand jury system.
Membership and Chapter Relations
Mike Hofman
Encourages membership in CGJA as well as in local chapters; facilitates exchange of best practices among the chapters; ensures coordination of members and chapters with Association initiatives.
Lou Panetta
Supervises annual election of directors and submits recommended slate of officers on even-numbered years.
Public Relations
John Bradley
Publishes Journal, educates public in support of California’s regular grand juries.
Lou Panetta
Oversees and supports the technical, data, and communications resources and deploys cohesive technology strategy across the Association ensuring the security and privacy of its financial, legal, and membership information; manages the website.
Marsha Caranci
Richard Rogers
Develops and conducts annual training programs for grand jurors, alternates, and grand jury legal advisors presented at statewide locations.