This page provides links to websites on California law; state government agencies; organizations that promote government efficiency, ethics, and transparency; and libraries.
Go to our Local Government Information page for information about the local government entities and topics within the civil grand jury’s jurisdiction.
California Law
California Legislature Information (California Constitution, codes of enacted laws including the California Penal Code, pending legislation)
California Code of Regulations (in 28 titles, regulations adopted, amended, or repealed by about 200 regulatory agencies in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act)
California Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Decisions
State Government Sites
California government agencies (alphabetic listing of links)
Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
FPPC Form 700
Fair Political Practices Commission Online Ethics Training for Local Officials (that grand jurors can take)
Judicial Branch – Civil Grand Jury page
California State Controller’s Office (includes financial reports on all local governments, including special districts)
California State Auditor (includes audit reports on state and local government entities regarding efficient and effective management of public funds)
Government Compensation in California (information about compensation of all public officials in the state)
Office of Emergency Preparedness
California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (information about state prisons, including locations)
Board of State and Community Corrections (information and reports about local detention facilities; BSCC site also accessed under Local Government Information webpage on this website)
The Little Hoover Commission (California’s independent state government oversight agency, which issues reports on such topics as forest management, voting equipment security, and special district transparency)
Friends of Good and Open Government
Institute for Local Government (promoting good government at the local level)
First Amendment Coalition (promoting free speech and government transparency)
California Association of Bond Oversight Committees (such local committees are under the jurisdiction of the civil grand jury)
Barrett and Greene (Analysis, research, and publishing articles on state and local government. Based in Bethel, Connecticut)
Roberts Rules of Order
County public law libraries
Links to local public libraries