California Grand Jurors’ Association
Legal Advisors’ Workshops
Attorneys who provide legal services to civil grand juries are invited to attend one of three CGJA Legal Advisors’ Workshops, each of which will be conducted via Zoom over two consecutive morning sessions. The State Bar has approved CGJA as an MCLE provider. Six hours of MCLE credit will be given for attendance at both sessions.
Thursday and Friday, June 6 and 7, 2024 (Registration Deadline May 28, 2024)
Wednesday and Thursday, August 28 and 29, 2024 (Registration Deadline August 19, 2024)
Thursday and Friday, January 23 and 24, 2025 (Registration Deadline January 14, 2025)
The workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end by noon each day.
The cost is $115 per person, and includes the 2023-2024 CGJA Training Manual, CGJA’s Report Writing Workshop Training Manual, the 2023 Legal Advisors’ Guide, and the Compendium of California Grand Jury Law.
Registration must be received ten days in advance to allow for shipping of the program materials.
Program Description:
The workshop, which includes a slide presentation and roundtable discussions, focuses on the attorney’s role in providing legal services to the civil grand jury. Training is provided on specific Penal Code sections, case law, and Attorney General Opinions that apply to the grand jury’s “watchdog” and accusatory functions.
Topics include the roles of the civil grand jury’s statutory advisors; grand jury jurisdiction; advisors’ conflicts and ethical walls; compelling the production of records; defamation avoidance; grand jurors’ ethical obligations, misconduct and discharge (including due process concerns); and the attorney’s review of civil grand jury reports for legal compliance.