Facing ‘Doomsday’ Budget Shortfall, [Humboldt County] Supes Move to Close Some County Offices to the Public on Fridays and Explore Reorganization Options

Facing ‘Doomsday’ Budget Shortfall, [Humboldt County] Supes Move to Close Some County Offices to the Public on Fridays and Explore Reorganization Options

Ryan Burns wrote in The Lost Coast Outpost on June 5, 2024 that “Humboldt County First District Supervisor Rex Bohn may have been half kidding when referred to yesterday’s special meeting of the Board of Supervisors as “doomsday,” but County Administrative Officer Elishia Hayes wasn’t amused. Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone addressed the subject of a recent report from the Civil Grand Jury” regarding leasing space.  Read the article here: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2024/jun/4/facing-doomsday-budget-shortfall-supes-move-close/

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